Gaming Tips To Help Parents Protect Their Children
Gambling and gaming had always been a cause for headaches among parents. While parents are getting real fun from their own game at xe88, children are also having their own kind of fun and it could be dangerous without seeing its first signs.
As there is a thin line between gambling and gaming, addiction is sometimes hard to notice at its early stage. Only when a child shows signs of addiction that parents are truly alarmed. Even so, there are organizations to help parents protect their children.
Game Change from Gamcare
The UK player protection organization GamCare released a parenting guide earlier this week. This section lists tips to help guardians better protect their children from the dangers of gambling.
GamCare is a distinct charity in the United Kingdom. They provide information, support, and advice for any individual troubled by problem gambling throughout Wales, Scotland, and England. The organization was founded in the year, 1997. – source Wikipedia.
According to GamCare, an important goal is to teach minors how to use the games in a healthy manner. The organization proposes a series of measures for this.
The tips for protecting children:
- Deactivation of pop-up windows in the games
- Activation of parental controls over games and devices
- Setting passwords for in-app purchases
- Limiting or disabling in-app purchases
- Establishing monthly spending and time limits for gaming
GamCare hopes that with these measures, parents can ensure that their children’s gaming behavior does not get out of hand.
Loot boxes as the reason for the guide
The reason for the new assistance is the “blurring boundaries” between gaming and gambling on digital devices. As an example, GamCare cites the increasing spread of loot boxes, which have repeatedly been criticized by players and youth protection agencies in the past.
The organization also relies on research from the Universities of Newcastle and Loughborough, which examined the effects of the controversial loot boxes on minors.
In a statement from GamCare it says:
The the younger generation who have spoken with research workers on this venture mentioned frustration, disappointment, angriness, and are sorry for their loot box acquisitions, however they ended up being enthusiastic to order for a second time.
Since the boxes are being used in more and more games, they have become an important topic for parents. Here GamCare wants to intervene to provide support.
Affected parents are advised by the player advocates to contact the organization, Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust or YGAM, with which they work together to protect young people. YGAM put a new website online in July, providing legal guardians with information on all aspects of gambling and adolescents.
At the same time, the player protection officers contact the young people directly. Minors also have the option of contacting the national gambling hotline by phone or chat if they discover problems with their own gambling behavior.