Cheaters’ Dirty Tactics That Online Casino Owners Should Be Closely Monitoring

It would be wise for an online casino owner to screen his members thoroughly to prevent cheaters from crippling his business. At the end of the day, the point of you creating this online gambling business is to make money, and you wouldn’t want these online hooligans robbing you, as well as those honest members, of your hard-earned money. To get rid of the cheaters in your online casino is protecting the interest of your business and your high-rollers.
When They Are Milking Way Too Much Sign-Up Bonus From You
The easiest way for anyone to cheat an online casino is to take advantage of its sign-up bonus. Online casinos offer big bonus to new members as promo, encouraging more people into signing up and becoming a regular player. The online casino gives you an incentive when you sign up. Some offers free chips or credits that you can use in playing your first gambling game.
For an instance, you can sign up with a bonus of 100 percent of your total deposit of $1,000. You will get an extra $1,000 to be used in playing games when you deposit $1,000. In this case, you will start off with a $2000 bankroll, and not with only $1,000.
To explain further, the bonuses offered to new members are classified into two, the cashable and non-cashable bonuses. The cashable bonus is the one you can cash out if you have already met the wagering requirements of the online casino. The non-cashable one, on the other hand, is the type of bonus that you cannot claim as hard cash. It may come as additional perks when you play a game at the online casino.
Now, going back to the cashable bonus, we have mentioned about wagering requirement, which is where most of the bonus cheating game takes place. To note, casinos only allows you to cash out when you have already gambled a certain amount, say a casino would require you to wager 35 times of your total deposit plus cashable bonuses before you can cash out. For a cheating smartypants, choosing the right games to play with special strategies will lower their expected losses, thus making a sureball statistical profit.
As an example, when you use a good strategy in blackjack playing against 0.5 percent house edge, you can only lose $350. You will have $1,650 secured in your account, but if this is a cashable bonus, you will make $650 profit from this. To make things clear, this is just statistical expectation, because in reality, the more bets you place in the game, the higher the likelihood to see better results. This is a concept called the “Law of Large Numbers.”
For online casino owners, of course, this taking advantage of the sign-up bonus is a form of cheating, and they will know eventually what your game is when you keep on gambling just enough money to meet the wagering requirements for cashing out. However, there is no real cheating in here because nothing in the terms and conditions that you signed up for was violated. You are still good.
The Big No-No’s In Online Casino: Hacking And Stealing
Those people with vile intentions in joining online casinos will go great lengths to make money. Although, what they are really doing is siphoning the money off the bank accounts of the online casino and the members. Hacking would be the number one tool at their disposal to do their sinister plan. They have knowledge in using special applications to exploit the weak spots of the online casino’s platform. Through hacking, they can give themselves unlimited credits so that they can keep on playing and playing, but they only gain more money. They can also tweak the online game’s probabilities so that they will never lose.
What’s way worse is that through hacking, they can literally get into other members’ online casino account to take away all their winnings. Fortunately, in เว็บไฮโลพื้นบ้าน, you don’t have to worry about all these with their top-notch security system that is unbreachable. So what are you waiting for? Join now!