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Tag: game of chance

Gambling and skill games


Competitions are not only interesting for the players, but also for the organizing companies. In many cases, an exciting competition can be an effective advertising medium to draw customers’ attention to products. Organizing competitions can sometimes even make money.

The organization of competitions not only harbors many opportunities but also many risks. The legal framework is constantly changing. In addition, the relevant case law is dynamic, inconsistent, and sometimes contradicting itself. Without knowledge of the current legal requirements, the organization of competitions can easily become an incalculable risk. Legal violations can lead to criminal prosecution or high fines, there is also a risk of expensive disputes with competitors, consumer protection agencies, and competition associations. Risk awareness should therefore not only be present among the players, but also among the organizers.


A game of chance is – in contrast to profit and skill games – when a player has to pay a substantial stake to participate in the game and the outcome of the game depends primarily on chance. In the sports betting area, there are already first signs of liberalization due to the very active prosecution and lobbying work of sports betting companies. In the area of ​​poker and agen judi slot terpercaya, which is still assigned to gambling by the jurisprudence without differentiation, a considerable gray market has emerged which is confronted with very fluctuating and inconsistent administrative practice and jurisdiction.

In summary, the gaming market turns out to be a legal minefield, which is nevertheless very tempting for many companies due to the great income opportunities. Anyone who wants to enter this minefield is in great danger without adequate legal mine detection equipment.

Games of skill

Games of skill differ from games of chance in that the outcome of the game is at least predominantly influenced by personal characteristics, skills, etc. of the player. The importance of games of skill has increased sharply in recent years after the federal states have tried for years to prevent private companies from operating in the gaming sector by all possible means. However, there are also numerous legal problems with games of skill that have not yet been adequately resolved in court and have also been underestimated in the past, but which are increasingly coming into the focus of those involved in the market.

