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Gambling For Real Money Slots Can Be Addictive

Gambling is mostly played for money and chance decides on winning and losing. Providers always make money from games of chance.  The players make real money slots very rarely.

How to prevent real money slots gambling addiction?

There are many things that have been proven to prevent addiction. Addiction prevention works on two levels. In terms of social conditions and personal behaviour.

Conditions: what works?

It is scientifically well proven that the following measures reduce risky consumption and work against addiction.

  • Legally regulate access to addictive substances and protect children and young people in particular.
  • In the case of gambling, this means, for example, regulating access to casinos. Legal regulation on the Internet is difficult because the Internet does not respect national borders. Self-monitoring by the providers is therefore important. But it often doesn’t go far enough.
  • Education and information about risks
  • Making prevention, counselling and addiction treatment easily accessible
  • Creating health-promoting living environments, for example in companies, schools and communities

Behaviour: what works?

If you gamble in moderation, you will not become addicted. What does it take for people to play moderately? These measures on a personal level contribute to:

  • Development and strengthening of life skills such as regulating feelings, coping with stress, thinking creatively and critically, solving problems, dealing with frustration, empathizing with others, communicating
  • Strengthening of reliable and good relationships at school, family, partnership, friendship, professional environment, etc.

What are the risks of real money slots gambling?

Frequent gambling can be addictive. You then feel a strong desire to gamble more and can no longer control the gamble. In the long run, this leads to major financial, emotional and social problems.

Health risks

Nervousness, irritability, lack of sleep and sleep disorders are possible consequences of excessive gambling. Worries about debt and conflicts in the family and at work put a strain on mental health.

Social risks

When life revolves around gambling and raising money, there is less time for other things. This puts a strain on relationships and everyday family life. The ability to perform at work also often falls, which can lead to conflicts and job losses.

Financial Risks

Gambling quickly leads to financial bottlenecks. You can incur debts. This increases the load even further.
