Women with gambling problems are probably less likely to sign up for gambling aid than the opposite sex. This can be attributed to significant problems with the perception that gambling is predominantly a male problem. It is also due to the increasing stigma and shame for women and a barrier for them to seek support.
Why women with situs judi gambling addiction are harder to treat
In women, in particular, addictive behaviour is usually accompanied by other psychological problems or disorders. Those affected try to escape their problems by situs judi gambling. This can, however, increase the problems and manifest the gambling addiction. Twice as often in women as in men the origin of addiction lies in childhood trauma.
The treatment must be adapted to the individual and women fall through the cracks more often than men with the current approach. Usually, there is an underlying problem that makes people prone to gambling addiction. You have to address this along with the gambling for the treatment to be successful.
Developing a gambling addiction, like most other addictions, is a slow process. Man or woman does not become addicted to gambling from one day to the next. Women start gambling later and are less likely to become addicted to gambling. When it does, it happens faster than men. In a short time, there are usually more serious problems such as over-indebtedness, alienation from the social environment and problems with their self-image. In men, symptoms of pathological gambling become apparent after an average of 3.5 years. For women, it is only two years.
Which gender is more likely to be found in situs judi casinos without licenses?
In Europe, the legal mood is evolving and they are making efforts to create a safe environment for players. Unfortunately, the related measures have in some cases also resulted in players, regardless of gender, visiting casinos and online casinos with different licenses.
There are many reasons for players to do this. For example, if a player wants to increase their maximum bet or table limit. In some areas, however, the motivation is also to circumvent online gambling bans. These are mostly male players. If a player wants to choose a non-licensed casino, they should do their research beforehand to ensure their safety.