If you feel like you are becoming addicted to online gambling, you can take a number of measures. It is always wise to recognize a possible addiction before you get into trouble because, for example, you put in too much money, which leads to debt. Here are some tips that can help you overcome your gambling addiction.
Stop gambling
That sounds simpler than it is, of course, but it is the best way. Stop gambling immediately and delete your account. At some online casinos, you can register that it is not possible to log in again. If you think you are still in control of your addiction, take a gambling break of at least a few weeks.
Find other pursuits
In order to get through the time, you would otherwise spend on online gambling, it is important to find another activity. Preferably something that you don’t do behind the computer. Go outside. Go cycling, walking, or running. Reach out to friends who you may have neglected recently because you were so into online gambling. Agree to do something fun. Register with an association or hobby club so that you get among the people.
Imagine how bad it feels to lose
If you have gambled online for a long time, you have probably often experienced that you have lost a considerable amount. Try to bring out the feeling you had when you realized that you had just played away a large amount. And whether that is a few tens or a few thousand euros, it will be a considerable amount in relation to your income. You don’t want to experience this bad feeling anymore, so you have to stop gambling.
Immerse yourself in gambling addiction
There is a lot of information about gambling addiction on the internet. How does it occur, which people are sensitive to it, what are the symptoms, and above all: What can you do about it if it happens to you. By reading a lot and increasing your knowledge, you will recognize a gambling addiction more easily and you can therefore take measures earlier.
Find self-help methods
If you do not want or dare to seek help from an expert, there are some methods you can try. There are good books for sale on how to combat gambling addiction. You can also sign up with an online gambling addict forum. In many cases, this can be done anonymously. Reading stories from gambling addicts can also help you identify your own problem. In addition, it permits you to realize that you are not the only one who is or is in danger of becoming addicted to gambling.
Join a self-help group
If you do have the courage to seek personal help, it is possible to register with a self-help group. You can find addresses in your region online or ask your doctor for good support groups for people with a gambling addiction. You can often register anonymously with these self-help groups, for example, only the first name of the group members is known to the participants. In addition, you can often call on personal help and guidance outside the group.
Transfer your finances to someone else
Do you have the option to transfer control of your finances to a family member or close friend? Then make use of this. Make sure that this is a reliable person to whom you can, for example, deposit your credit card or manage the internet banking system with confidence. You can of course also have a credit card blocked so that you can no longer use it.
List the pros and cons of gambling
Find out for yourself what the advantages and disadvantages of online gambling are for you. If your list of disadvantages is longer than the list of advantages, this is an extra incentive to stop gambling online.
Make an overview of your finances
Write down your income and expenses on paper. This makes it clear how much you spend on gambling per week or per month. Think about what you can do with this money if you set it aside for a year. Did you start gambling because you have debts and thought you could solve them with the profits from gambling? Then seek help from a budget consultant or the social affairs department of your municipality. They can help you solve your financial problems in a responsible way.
Provide support from your immediate environment
If you want to tackle your gambling addiction, play open cards with people in your immediate vicinity. Notify your partner, your parents, or close friends and tell them that you are serious about working on your problem. Then when you are having a difficult time, you can seek support from your loved ones. If you cannot get it out without help, find a good counselor, preferably one who specializes in gambling addiction.